Zoom tan $9.99 deal
Zoom tan $9.99 deal

They truly believe people are lying before they will ever believe they are telling the truth. He also will get in arguments with customers, and terminate them after it. Randomly you will get a “thanks for your hard work” email, but those are few and far in between. You will often be made to feel like you are a liar and a cheat. If you voice a concern over a policy and he does not agree with it you will get replies like “you are flat out wrong" and told all of the reasons why you're wrong, and it is usually in a disrespectful manner. You will also get emails from him about articles that have nothing to do with Zoom Tan.

zoom tan $9.99 deal

They will say things like “more judgmental nonsense” “before you choose to shoot off your mouth” “are we that selfish” “.the staff would cheat often if we did that”. He sends out emails to employees that don’t sound like they are coming from the president of a company. For example, the ones that speak negatively about the president of the company Tony Toepfer are true.

zoom tan $9.99 deal

They all have some truth in them, but Zoom doesn’t want to admit their faults and work to fix the issues. They asked for the “honest” reviews because of the low rating on this website due to negative reviews that were “downright lies”. Zoom Tan asked employees (more than once) to submit reviews on this website. I hope this company takes these comments to heart and works on improving as a company and employer, but instead I will probably be told by the person who comments on these that many of these cons are false or overly exaggerated, and get something like “we are sorry your experience has been so negative”.

Zoom tan $9.99 deal